Hand Tools

Light Equipment

Brake Lathe Parts Breakdown, Cross Feed Assembly, Ammco 4000 and Rels 2000, Point and Click on breakdown to buy (Rels - Model BrakeLathe-Parts-01)

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Minimum order of $30.00 on Rels Brake Lathe Items



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Tool Bit Holder, Left Hand, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 45004) Tool Bit Holder, Right Hand, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 45003) Tool Holder Assembly, Left Hand, Negative Rake, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 45006) Tool Holder Assembly, Right Hand, Negative Rake, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 45005) Set Screw, Sq. Head for Drum Bar, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 40185) Plug, Brass, 5/16 inch, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 40012) Red Knob, To Fit Ammco Model 4000 (Rels: model 40013) Tool Holder Gib, Twin Cutter Locking Nut, for Long Stud, For 11227 Rubber Retainer, For 11227 Washer, for Nut Assembly, For 11227 Locking Nut Assembly Dial Assembly, Twin Cutter Spring, Twin Cutter Crossfeed Boot, Cloth Locating Screw, Twin Cutter Hex Jam Nut, Twin Cutter Plug, Twin Cutter Set Screw, Twin Cutter Groove Pin, Twin Cutter Woodruff Key, Handwheel Shifter Handle Rotor Feed Dial Rod, Twin Cutter Threaded Plug, Twin Cutter Spring Washer, Twin Cutter Dial, Twin Cutter Set Screw, Twin Cutter Extended Lead Screw Kit Lead Screw Assembly, Crossfeed Not Available Thrust Bearing, Crossfeed Stud, Boring Bar Short Use with New Style Crossfeed and New Style Nut Not Available Not Available Dial, Crossfeed Handwheel Thumbscrew, Handwheel Dial Knob, Twin Cutter Dial Spring, Crossfeed Handle Handwheel, Crossfeed Crossfeed Cap Screw, Rotor Feed Nut, Lead Screw, Rotor Feed Washer, Handwheel Handwheel Handle, Crossfeed and Drum Feed Handwheel Assembly, Crossfeed Set Screw, Pulley Spring, Crossfeed Brass Plug, 1/4 inch Red Knob Plug, Brass, 5/16 inch Square Head Screw, Twin Cutter Clamp, Boring Bar, Upper Clamp, Boring Bar, Lower Drum Boring Bar

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