Hand Tools

Light Equipment

Transmission Fluid Exchanger Accessory, Quick Disconnect Set (RTI Technologies - Model 026-80361-00)

Price: $158.78


$50.00 Minimum Order on RTI items


Quick Disconnect Tool Set
For use with RTI model ATX-2 Transmission Fluid Exchanger

(Four sizes included 3/8 in., 1/2 in., 5/8 in., 7/8 in.)

The unique design tool made from stainless steel makes quick work of those Jify-Tite fittings.
This tool eliminates the need to remove the spring clip.
Losing and or damaging springs is no longer a problem.
It is hinged to slip over the tube, and closes down around the tube to slide into and open the spring clip for easyremoval of the tube from the fitting.
Not only saves valuable time but, aggravation too!
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