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Auto Lift Parts and Accessories

The Automotive Lift and Parts market has changed extensively over the years. It used to be we had a dozen or so good American Made lift brands throughout the Auto Lift market. As the market got more competitive with a huge influx of imported brands it got a lot more complicated.Auto lift cables

Lifts were being built in different plants all around the world and brought in by different importers who were all branding them privately. The private branding by importers made auto lift parts availability and organization a complex issue. 
Auto Lifts were changed mid stream in production without proper documentation of changes which made lift parts hard to track down. Importers changed product lines and manufacturers but kept the same brand name. This has caused more difficulties because the brand name alone would not tell the story of what lift parts were required.
The American automotive lift Companies that have supported their products all along like Rotary and Challenger and a few others have done a good job of offering replacement lift parts, lift pads, lift cables, height adapters and truck extensions that have a proper fit. But many companies that have been importing their products have had many changes in production and so even a brand name and model number still won’t always get you the right part for your auto lift on the first try. Lift cables, pulleys, sheaves, rubber lift pads, hydraulic lines, screw up lift pads and height adapters are all subject to specific knowledge of the product and how and when it was manufactured and imported and by whom. Auto lift pads
AutomotiveTools.Com has made it our job to know all the in’s and out’s of the Auto Lift part industry and maintain an extensive database of lift part knowledge at our finger tips to match up the proper pad, cable, adapter, extension or part to the proper lift.
We have lift parts for all the following brands including: Rotary, Challenger, Bend Pak, Mohawk, Weaver, ALM, VBM, HydraLift, Manitowoc, Globe, Forward, Western, Benwil, Joyce, Cochin, Ammco, Ben Pearson, Acanus, American, Gemini, Back Yard Buddy, Accu Turn, Bear, Auto Lifters, Quality lift, Force, Ford Smith, Direct Lift, Hofmann, Hunter, Gilbarco, Grand, Nussbaum, PMW, Danmar, Eagle, Stenhoj, Werther, Titan, Snap on, Worth, Wheeltronic.
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